Home UPCOMING SHOWS THURSDAY 7PM 5000 Eyes: Mapping the Universe with DESITHURSDAY 8:30PM Liquid Sky Billie EilishFRIDAY 7PM Black Holes: The Other Side of InfinityFRIDAY 8:30PM Liquid Sky Tame ImpalaFRIDAY 10PM Liquid Sky Dark Side of the Moon SATURDAY 1PM Double Feature: The Incredible Sun & One SkySATURDAY 2:30PM Stars & PlanetsSUNDAY 1PM Stars & Laser Movie MagicSUNDAY 2:30PM We Are StarsCELEBRATING 50ÌýYEARS OF IMMERSIVE ASTRONOMY, SCIENCE, ART & MUSIC EXPERIENCES1975-2025Have a medicaid or EBT/SNAP card?ÌýReceive $1 admission to shows.Free tickets for active-duty military personnel and their families beginning on Armed Forces Day, May 17 thru Labor Day, September 1, 2025.ÌýÌýJoin our e-newsletter for Fiske updates and events!